
New York Jazz

Grossband is a chordless quartet playing explosive jazz inspirer by Steve Grossman. The band pay homage to Grossman throgh their own compositions and explores interactions without any chordinstrument. This result in a broad range of possibilities both in harmoni, rhythm and musical interactions. The band have recorded music, and will release it in 2025, stay tuned!

Live concerts
Herr Nilsen (Oslo) 13. des 2025

Zakarias Meyer Øverli - tenorsaxophone

Tarald Kongshaug - double bass

Steinar Heide Bø - drums

Ask Morris Rasmussen - tenorsaxophone
Logo - Inge Mork
Photo - Alex Ventling

SoMe - follow us:-)                                         

Here you can hear some of our demo-music

T-shirt 250 NOK

Order from
Design - Inge Mork
Design - Inge Mork

Quotes after concerts:

“All saxophone players, get your ass down here to hear Grossband at Herr Nilsen 20:30" - Staffan William-Olsson

“Jesus-fucking-Christ-on-a-stick, you played so the paint fall of the walls of the jazz club" - Staffan William-Olsson

“The top highlight at Oslo Jazz Festival today … I was always looking forward to the next solo … slappin tha bass-solo got the audience  cheerying loudly ”- Audun Vinger at Oslo jazz festival

“This is amazing musicians! … I have been sitting here and listening though the tune about 10 times, and I am listening to it right now” - Nils Jørgen Nilsen (drummer in the norwegian band Honningbarna)