New York Jazz
Live concerts
Herr Nilsen (Oslo) 13. des 2025
Zakarias Meyer Øverli - tenorsaxophone
Tarald Kongshaug - double bass
Steinar Heide Bø - drums
Ask Morris Rasmussen - tenorsaxophone
SoMe - follow us:-)
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Quotes after concerts:
“All saxophone players, get your ass down here to hear Grossband at Herr Nilsen 20:30" - Staffan William-Olsson
“Jesus-fucking-Christ-on-a-stick, you played so the paint fall of the walls of the jazz club" - Staffan William-Olsson
“The top highlight at Oslo Jazz Festival today … I was always looking forward to the next solo … slappin tha bass-solo got the audience cheerying loudly ”- Audun Vinger at Oslo jazz festival
“This is amazing musicians! … I have been sitting here and listening though the tune about 10 times, and I am listening to it right now” - Nils Jørgen Nilsen (drummer in the norwegian band Honningbarna)